Triangle Congruence w/ Proofs Activity

Monday, December 12, 2016

I wanted to share an activity that we did last week that was really fun and engaging. I didn't feel like my students were ready to take their test on the team's "designated testing day" so I decided to stay late at work and come up with some additional activities.

1) Students logged onto a Nearpod session and we went over labeling and marking congruent triangles. I had students choose different colors to represent each separate marking. Below are some student examples pulled from my Nearpod report. This helped out my student SO MUCH! I did not realize how many misconceptions there were before this activity.

2) After our Nearpod activity, students broke up into groups of 2-3 and chose a proof to "start" at. I told students to complete only ONE step. After about 30 seconds, students rotated clockwise to the next proof and did the second step. This continued until they were back at their original poster. Students were responsible for checking the proofs and correcting any mistakes that they see. 

I graded all of the proofs (10 points a piece) and that was everyone's grade in the class period. Students took this seriously and the results were amazing!

Overall, students performed well on the test but they needed more practice on telling how two triangles are congruent (SSS, SAS, ASA, AAS, or HL). 

See the top of the post for the files. :)


2016-2017 Triangles Unit

Monday, November 28, 2016
File(s) for the Post: 2016-2017 Triangles Unit

Hello all! It's been awhile... I have SO much to share with NOT so much time! :/ I've been busy with my masters class and I wanted to post some of my interactive notebook ideas before Christmas break.

Here are some pages from my interactive notebook over classifying triangles. On the side, we put classify by sides next to the first three and classify by angles on the bottom four.

My resource class completed the following cut and paste chart over classifying triangles. They loved this and some found it challenging!

The following pages are newly created notebook pages over "The Triangle Inequality Theorem." Overall, I loved it and I felt that students understood it more this year than previous years. I will try it with my resource classes on Thursday to see how they do. 

We normally complete the inquiry-based lesson over why the sum of the interior angles of a triangle equals 180 (that is what is to the left of our notes). We also complete an activity that shows why the two remote interior angles of a triangle is equal to the exterior angle. This is my rushed notebook... I will update this post of what is actually in student's notebook. 

I introduce the following pages first before we jump into triangle congruence proofs.

 I am looking forward to using the following triangle congruence foldable with my students this year along with the reference sheet. I switch up this lesson every year for some odd reason :).

After this foldable, then we will jump into triangle congruence proofs! I uploaded my triangle congruence proofs in a previous post: CLICK HERE

If I forgot to add a file, let me know and I can add it as soon as possible! If I made a typo, please let me know. Thank you to the readers who emailed me about the typos in the proofs book! :)


Book of Transformations

Tuesday, October 25, 2016
File for the Post: Book of Transformations

I wanted to share a newly created resource that I made before it is too late for some teachers to use. I made this "Book of Transformations" for my students to use this year.

In the middle column, I am going to have students write out the rule (with help from their reference sheet).

To make copies: Print out document and copy 1-2 sided in the order that the pages come out. (If you need extra help, let me know!)

Sorry for being MIA, but it has been such a busy year! I currently have about 8 draft posts in Blogger.  I am also going to post a link soon to the homework assignments, quizzes, and tests that I use for my transformations unit.

Any recommendations or suggestions is appreciated! If you use, please let me know how it goes and if you would add or delete anything. :)


2016-2017 Geometry Basics Unit

Wednesday, September 21, 2016
File for the Post: 2016-2017 Geometry Basics Unit

I think that my school is the only one that splits up "Geometry Basics" into two units. I think next year we are going to try to combine segments and angles into one unit (like most of ya'll out there). I am just nervous to see how students do since they struggle with segments and vocabulary.

Day 1: We went over the following Points, Lines, and Planes foldable and students were able to choose whether they wanted to do the cut and paste activity in their INB or in Google Slides. I have done this foldable with the cut and paste activity for three years now and I LOVE it.You can find the original post to the foldables when you click here. You can also find the Google Slides activity when you click here. 

In my basic classes, we did the cut and paste activity on Google Slides and then I gave them a worksheet where they put the stickers based on the correct naming and terms of the given problems. I LOVED this for my geometry resource classes.

Day 2: First, students walked in and logged on to Google Classroom to complete a quick warm-up on Google Forms to review the naming and definitions of Points, Lines, and Planes. We went over two foldables: Collinear and Coplanar foldable and the Intersection of Lines and Planes foldable.You can find the original post with the foldables when you click here. 

After we completed the foldables, students logged on to Google Classroom to work on the following Collinear and Coplanar activity. Students really enjoyed this activity and I was surprised to find out that almost half of my students did not know how to insert text! After the activity, we had time left so we experimented with Google Draw. I had students create their own vocabulary terms and label them. I forgot to take pictures but I highly recommend trying Google Draw in a lesson that requires visuals. You can find the Google activity when you click here. 

Day 3: Students did one of my favorite activities EVER... Points, Lines, and Planes Gallery Walk. Students have to work in groups to come up with a new answer and they rotate through the problems. I posted this activity in this post.You can find the directions and files to this activity when you click here. 

Day 4:We went over the segments foldable together as a class and then I projected a powerpoint where students had to figure out which box the problem would go under (left side). After the foldable, students completed a cut and paste activity in their notebook where they had to match up the correct diagram, equation, and variable. I had one reader comment on a post where she only gave students the left side. I think that is a great idea and I will try it next year. You can find the original post with the files when you click here. 

Day 5: Students logged on to Google Classroom and completed a digital task cards activity over segments on Google Slides. I had students answer the task cards on Google Forms. I added Flubaroo to my Google Forms spreadsheet for easy grading. :) Students really enjoyed completing the digital task cards and I will definitely be using these again. I know there was a typo on one card, but I can't remember which one. If you find it, please let me know and I will fix it. 

Day 6: We completed a stations review activity. I made this into a Google Slides activity (trying to use the Chromebooks as much as we can before I have to give them back).

How do your students do on Geometry Basics?  My students performed better this year than previous years. I know that we will probably be combining segments and angles into one big "geometry basics" unit. Just worried about my ELL kids and special education students.